Event info

Spartan Spectacular

When: Jun 27 - 29, 2025
Entry Fee: $575.00
Payment Deadline: Payment Required to Secure Entry but Not Required to Pencil In.
Entry Payment Types: Check, Venmo
Divisions: 14U, 16U, 18U
Format: 3 Pool to Single Elimination
Min. Games: 4
Max Teams: 32
Awards: 1st, 2nd, Indiv. & Team
Umpire Pay @ Plate: $75/Game per Team, Except Finals
Stay-to-Play: Yes for Teams Needing Hotels, Click Lodging.
Stay-to-Play Policy: https://playfpn.com/hotels/
Refund/Cancellation Policy: https://playfpn.com/refund/
Spartan Spectacular
Additional Information

Plan to play 1 game on Friday and 2 on Saturday for pool play.  Do not register if you can't play one game on Friday.

Event Host

Small Ball Softball Tournaments

Tournament Director: Scott Aresco
Mobile Phone: scott.aresco@att.net
Office Phone: 203-605-2712
Email: scott.aresco@att.net
Mailing Address: 54 Midland Drive, Meriden, CT 06450


Payment Details

  • Payment for this event is NOT made on the PlayFPN website.
  • Venmo @Scott-Aresco
  • Checks: Small Ball Softball Tournaments, 54 Midland Drive, Meriden, CT 06450
Umpire Pay-at-the-Plate
  • Each team pays cash to the umpires at the pre-game meeting prior to the start of the game. 
  • See the Event Info above for the cost for this event. 
  • In tournaments, teams pay for all games EXCEPT the finals. The tournament host pays for the umpires used in the finals.
  • Pay-at-the-plate has become the standard across the region.
  • Pay-at-the-plate is a fairer system, as weaker teams no longer subsidize stronger teams that play more games during bracket play.
  • Teams do not need to collect as much money early in the season from parents due to the much lower event entry fees.
  • When a tournament gets shortened due to weather, teams will no longer lose money for games not played.
  • Umpires do not refund payments for games shortened by weather or other reasons. If shortened or postponed games are restarted, teams do not have to pay umpires again.
Event Venue

Dunn Sports Complex (DUN)

366 Thorpe Ave.
Meriden, CT 06450